
Pinehopple Swipe Sour 6.5%
Refreshing sour with local white pineapple, then double dry hopped with El Dorado and Denali providing a soft aromatic hoppy-ness.

Hualani Sour 6.5%
Hualani means 'heavenly fruit'. Made with almost 1lb/gallon of fresh picked Hawaii strawberries. Bright and sweet strawberry aromas lead way to ripe and sour stone fruit with apricot notes.

Kahiki Historical Ale 5.3%
Brewed with historical ingredients at found in Polynesian Voyaging Canoes from 0-400AD. These plants were critical for food, cultivation and survival. A tribute to the past present and future of exploration. Brewed with Ki root (Ti), Ko (sugar cane), Kalo (taro), Niu (Coconut), Olena (Tumeric) and Ulu (breadfruit) and fermented with native Hawaiian yeast strain harvested locally

Okole Maluna Stout 10.4%
A rich grain bill adds chocolate, coffee and roasty notes and leaves just a touch of residual sweetness. Beautiful deep chocolate brown in color, with a tan head that lingers. Very light fruity esters balance with the hops to provide a nice bitter balance to the grain allowing the Haupia and cacao to shine through followed by lingering roasty-ness and alcoholic warming.

Nothing beats fresh summer mango with lihing sprinkled on it as the ultimate beach snack on the way to check your surf spots. This beer is a twist on those classic hanabata days.

ForeverSummerPOG Sour 5.2%
The original Hawaii POG beer. Made in Hawaii for Hawaii. A tart sour ale made with locally sourced Lilikoi, mandarin orange and guava. Originally brewed spontaneously.

Kaimana DIPA 9.2%
Bursting juicyness of local citrus along with focused aromatic hops of Citra, El Dorado and Idaho 7. Brewing in conjunction with NOAA to raise money towards conservation and preservation of the Hawaiian Monk Seal. Support the cause!!

Kuuipo Golden Ale 9.6%
Kuuipo means "my sweetheart" and is a rare treat. Belgian Golden strong ale aged over big island Lychee. This blended beer was a mix of 24 month aged in stainless, 18 month aged on French Oak Chardonnay Barrels and some week old fresh batch. Complex wine character, Oak, and lychee dominate

Momona Stout 10.8%
This beer starts off as our Okole Maluna, made with award winning Hawaiian Cacao and toasted coconut, then ages in a variety of whiskey barrels for 15 months. The chocolate roasty notes and coconut sweetness interplay with boozy rich oak and whiskey. A rare treat

Toasted Big Island Macadamia nuts play gently with the estery banana-like yeast driven flavors. Enjoy food with your beer? This one pairs well with desserts, beet and goat cheese salad, lemon risotto, or better yet, cedar smoked salmon.

Rubbah Slippah Sour 6.5%
Silver Medal winner at Best of Craft 2018 for Seriously Sour. Enter the double dry hopped Yuzu Sour. Yuzu is is believed to be a hybrid of sour mandarin and Ichang papeda and these are Big Island grown. Bright, acidic, tart and fragrant.

BeachCrusier Pale Ale 6.0%
Balanced pale ale brewed with lemongrass from Kahuku and local citrus. Lemongrass adds slight citrus fragrance that pairs with the malt and citrus and leaves a clean aftertaste.

Mahina Barleywine 11.6%
Rich and complex grain bill creates a huge Barley wine as a mix of a styles from dubbel, brown, and amber ale. Local Hawaiian Turbinado sugar caramelized raisins deglazed with Whisky age along with the beer in American oak whisky barrels for nearly a year. This beer gets better with age and is designed to drink after 2 years of proper cellaring.

Kainalu Gose
The Kainalu Gose (go-sah) comes in at 6.8% ABV and is brewed with Moloka’i Alaea sea salt and Kona key limes. This Gose is juicy, tart and refreshing after a long day on the water.

MalaStouta Stout 11.2%
Made with Leonard's Bakery malasadas and barrel finished Lanikai Coffee, this 18 month bourbon barrel-aged pastry stout is sure to delight! We highly encourage you to try both this brew as well as our Momona Chocolate Haupia Imperial Stout all designed after local classic pastries!